Obion County Board of Education
December 5, 2011

Agenda Item: VIII.L.

Consider/Approve Limited Purpose Personal Electronic Devices Procedure

Background Information:

After attending several meetings about using personal communication devices for student learning, the latest of which was at the Tennessee School Boards Association annual conference with Mr. Rainey, Mr. Partin, and Mr. Easley, a meeting was held with teachers to explore the idea further. Overwhelming, the teachers were enthusiastic and a subsequent meeting is being scheduled, via teleconference, with the teachers from the Greeneville City School System to inquire into exactly how such technology is being used. For instance, cell phones can be used as student response systems for instant in-class assessment. Cell phones and iPads can be used for research purposes, and we are gathering information on the cost of electronic textbooks. No teacher will be forced to use such technology; however, every teacher will have the opportunity.

For the limited purpose of field testing the use of personal communication devices to enhance student learning, we are asking the Obion County Board of Education to adopt the attached procedure and relax Board Policy 6.312 (attached) for students in grades 9 – 12. If so approved, teachers from both high schools will report to the Board in May, 2012 about their findings.

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend the Board approve the above-noted administrative procedure for the period January 1, 2012, through May 17, 2012.